Saying For Today: Do not consider waking up an option to delay. Why postpone being free?
An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi
I AM is Everyone
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
*Enlightenment, NRG Photos, Flickr
Do not delay. This life is passing. Birth of your precious body is getting farther away. Death of your precious body is getting nearer. Why delay? Why not say a total, final "Yes" now? Do not wait. Do not wait until later and say, "I wish I had done this sooner." Do not consider waking up an option to delay. Why postpone being free?
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SAHAJA ~ सहज
simple easy natural spontaneous
See, cease the struggle to wake up
See, wakefulness is your Natural Being
*Peace and Love/Philippines, Marlon Max, Flickr
Ashana. Deep Peace.
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AREM . Beautiful Awakening
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Is your life the expression of ‘Yes’ to the living truth inside your heart or are you merely strategising your existence? How will you come to discover the greatness of the Supreme Self, if each step you are about to take, you seek a guarantee for your safety? If your teacher’s words have touched your heart then live them as though they are already true.